Friday, March 11, 2016

Virginia Big-Eared Bat

The Virginia big-eared bat, corynorhinus townsendii virginianus, is a species native to Virginia, West Virginia, eastern Kentucky, and North Carolina.  These bats have soft, brown fur, and their ears are about half the length of their entire bodies.  Virginia big-eared bats usually live in caves, and often stay in the same habitat year-round.  In 1979, the Virginia big-eared bat was added to the list of endangered species after the decline of their population was noticed.  Around the time, the population of these bats was estimated to be around 2,500-3,000.  The Virginia big-eared bats are sensitive to disturbances of their habitats, and it is thought that the decline in their population is mainly due to human activities, such as spelunking in the caves in which the bats live.  Virginia big-eared bats can be affected by white nose syndrome; the fungus which causes white nose syndrome will grow on the bats' noses during their hibernation.  However, there have been no documented cases of this species of bats dying from white nose syndrome.  This is because these bats have developed a natural immunity to the fungus.
In an effort to help save the species, five caves in West Virginia, which were home to the Virginia big-eared bats, were closed off to human exploration and disturbance.  Additionally, a more recent attempt at protecting the Virginia big-eared bats was to find caves in which these bats live by using infrared sensors, which do not disturb the bats nearly as much as if a human were to look through the caves.  Caves that are found to be home to Virginia big-eared bats are often closed off, or will have signs put around them explaining that the caves should not be disturbed.  By the year 2009, the population of these bats had increased by about 75%.

1 comment:

  1. I thought Big-Eared Bat must be cute while reading the second line, until I look at the picture carefully... It is still horribly cool, like a bat, you were telling the truth though. This proves why it's necessary to add a picture in the post.
