Friday, March 4, 2016


Greenbrier is a warm-season peren- nial woody vine or shrub. The stems are climbing with tendrils and tend
to form tangled masses. Within these tangled masses, or mottes, the indi- vidual vines may be more than 20 feet long. These mottes may become so intertwined and matted that they be- come virtually impenetrable to live- stock. Greenbrier leaves are deltoid

or heart-shaped, with new foliage emerging in the early spring. The new foliage is tender and succulent early, but soon toughens and develops a thick waxy cuticle. The young, tender shoots and stems make excellent forage for both wildlife and livestock. Greenbriar are a paIN IN THE BUTT to get out of your clothes,skin,hair. Anything really, They are sharp and can make open wounds on your body. Somehow dogs can walk straight through them without being bugged by it. 
Photo creds to Diana!!!! 

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